Thursday, November 1, 2007

Today's Words to Define

laissez faire

kinetic: \kə-nět'ĭk, kī-\; relating to the motion of material bodies and the forces associated therewith; characterized by motion; supplying motive force.
kowtow: \kou-tou', kou'tou'\; the act of kneeling and touching the forehead to the ground; try to gain favor by cringing or flattering; bend the knees and bow in a servile manner.
laissez faire: \lěs'ā fâr', lā'zā\; the doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs; noninterference in the affairs of others.
lexicon: \lěk'sĭ-kŏn'\; a language user's knowledge of words; a wordbook or dictionary.
loquacious: \lō-kwā'shəs\; very talkative; garrulous; talking or tending to talk much or freely; chattering; babbling; characterized by excessive talk; wordy.

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