Friday, October 26, 2007

Make a Difference

Help donate to six different charities. It’s FREE and it’ll make you feel good. No credit cards required. They don’t even ask for ANY personal information. All that IS required is a willingness to click on a link (well, actually 12 links). The total investment of your precious time is under 30 seconds ONCE a day! If you’d like you can check out each of the six charities and see other items for purchase and to help more. I have no affiliation with this site. I just feel the more we can do to help each other the better we’ll all be in the long run.

First, click on the above button. Once there, click on “Click Here to Give – it’s FREE!” Now notice at the top there are six tabs. Click on each tab and it’s associated “Give” button. That’s it! You’re done.

How it works: When you click, they display ads (all on one page—no pop-ups) from their site sponsors. 100% of the money from these advertisers goes to the site’s charity partners, who fund programs for each of the six charities below.

Also, their store gives a portion of every purchase to their charity partners if you choose to peruse and purchase items.

The six sites and amount of donation per daily click:
The Animal Rescue Site: each daily click gives .6 bowls of food to rescued animals.
The Rainforest Site: you are helping to protect 11.4 square feet of rainforest.
The Literacy Site: 1% of the cost of a book is donated to fight illiteracy.
The Child Health Site: helps a child in need get healthcare; on avg. over 1000 children are helped each day.
The Breast Cancer Site: your daily click gives sponsor funds that are helping a woman in need get a free mammogram.
The Hunger Site: you give the value of 1.1 cups of food to the hungry for each daily click.

Just think if you told just one person and they told one person. Now, what if you told two people and they told two people? WOW! What a difference we can make!

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